Members of the Pella Garden Club toured the Better Homes & Gardens test garden on Friday, June 21, led by Sandra Gerdes, manager of the garden. In spite of the ongoing heat, the gardens were absolutely beautiful! Filled with color and texture, Sandra talked to the group about how the gardens are created and improved every year.
The BH&G test garden was established more than 25 years ago under the direction of Sandra Gerdes and has 22 distinct garden areas that showcase everything from hostas and herbs to shrubs and trees. First and foremost, however, the garden serves as a place to test grow plants under actual growing conditions.
Photo: JoAnne Pitsch, Mary Edwards, Teresa Hedger, Ann Summitt, Nola Leubbert-Vasquez, Barb Braafhart, Charity McCauley Andeweg, Shana Chapel, Candace Thersby, Marlyn Rietveld Ebbers, Marilyn Aldrich, Emma Van Wyngarden