For The Community . . .

For The Community . . .

As members of the Pella Garden Club, we are dedicated to making our community a vibrant place to live.  That includes both teaching citizens about gardening but also partnering with other groups to further enhance or help fund projects or just add some beauty.  Past projects include helping with the landscaping costs at the Wonder Spelen park, doing a "Flower Flash" in downtown Pella, and contributing to scholarships at both Pella High School and Pella Christian.  We also contribute gladly to local and state arboretums, the Greater Des Moines Botanical Gardens, and Iowa State University scholarships in horticulture and landscape design.

This spring some of our members planted the flower urns outside the Pella Library.  What a privilege to share what we love to do with the public!  Make sure you stop on your way inside the library to enjoy their handiwork. 

Photo:  Garden club members Mary Edwards and Nola Leubbert-Vasquez hard at work

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