Celebrate all growing things during the month of June!  

This is the perfect time of the year to turn your garden into a pollinator garden.  Shrubs and plants that attract birds and bees are perfect for our Iowa gardens since so many of our native flowering plants fit the bill! 

Chokecherry, serviceberry and buttonbush are good starts for developing a pollinator garden. Be sure to plant a diverse mix and include both spring flowering and summer flowering.

Planting asters, coneflowers, goldenrod and milkweeds are great plants for a pollinator garden and are native to Iowa.  Added bonus--they are drought resistant, a big plus in our hot Iowa summers!  You might also try ironweed, golden alexander and monarda.

Finally, use as few chemicals on your lawn as possible.  Not only will the wildlife appreciate it but so will our waterways.

 Beautiful Butterflies and Flowers Wallpapers (56+ images)